25 saker du inte vill ångra


Sovit bra inatt igen, häääärliga tider. Idag är det underbara fredag och det känns så härligt. Älskar ju fredagar! Är nog inte ensam om det tror jag? Idag ska du få hjälpa mig med outfit till VIP-invigningen av båten Cinderella som vi ska på imorgon lördag. Det står dresscode: KAVAJ så det innebär väl festklädsel, inte sant? Inget måste med klänning och sånt va? Borde ha koll på detta men blir alltid lika förvirrad. 😉

Tänkte kickstarta dagen med dessa härliga punkter! Det är nämligen gamla människor som på sin dödsbädd fått räkna upp saker dom ångrat i sitt liv. Det finns sammanlagt 37 punkter och jag har delat med mig av 25 utav dom. VIKTIGT ATT TÄNKA PÅ!


1. Not traveling when you had the chance. Traveling gets harder as you get older, as more people depend on your presence, day-to-day and it ends up becoming more expensive to bring more people with you.

2. Staying in a bad relationship. It may feel hard to get out of a bad relationship, but it’s not worse than staying in it and wasting everyone’s time.

3. Forgoing sunscreen. It may not seem like much, but sun damage adds up over the years, causing wrinkles and discoloration.

4. Being afraid to do things. Fear can paralyze us, but we can’t let it stop us.

5. Failing to make physical fitness a priority. As you get older you’ll realize how important it is to take care of your body.

6. Not quitting a terrible job. You may need to pay rent or provide for a family, but you can’t force yourself to be miserable every day.

7. Not realizing how beautiful you are. There are many definitions of beauty and you shouldn’t think you’re unworthy of someone’s attention.

8. Being afraid to say “I love you.” Loving another person is a precious gift, even if that same love wasn’t returned.

9. Spending your youth being self-absorbed. There is more to the world than just you and eventually you’ll realize that.

10. Caring too much about what other people think. When you’re older, you’ll realize that the opinions of others don’t factor into your true happiness.

11. Supporting the dreams of others over your own. Being nice is one thing, but sacrificing your happiness isn’t worth it.

12. Not moving fast enough. Don’t hesitate to make decisions, you’ll end up regretting wasting time.

13. Holding grudges, especially against those you love. Choose to let go of your pain, instead of dwelling on it.

14. Not standing up for yourself. Just because others may disagree with you, it doesn’t mean you have to abandon your principals.

15. Working too much. You’re going to miss the good parts of life, or be too stressed to enjoy them, if you do.

16. Not learning how to cook one good meal. It’ll add to your family and friend get togethers more than you can ever imagine.

17. Not stopping to appreciate the moment. Quit texting or taking pictures and realize what you are doing when you are doing it.

18. Failing to finish what you start. Every day is an opportunity that shouldn’t be squandered.

19. Refusing to let friendships run their course. Sometimes people drift apart. Forcing that connection could do more damage than good.

20. Not playing with your children enough. Kids are joyful and innocent. You should be choosing to fill your life with this joy, not avoiding it.

21. Never taking a big risk (especially in love). Taking a bigger risk can pay off more than taking a smaller one.

22. Worrying too much. Worrying, especially about things that haven’t happened yet, is useless.

23. Getting caught up in needless drama. Drama can be addictive, but there is no point. Don’t get off on how bad your day is.

24. Not spending enough time with loved ones. We are all on this earth for a limited amount of time, don’t take that for granted.

25. Not being grateful sooner. Learn to say thanks and learn to mean it. So many parts of your life will improve if you do.

Visst får man sig en liten tankeställare? Nu ska jag göra frukost åt oss här hemma och ta vara på den här stunden jag och Milo brukar få varje morgon. Kärlek till dig! Kikar du inte in mer idag vill jag önska dig en härlig fredag! ❤️

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11 years ago

Japp, kavaj betyder festkläder, klänning är inget måste. Ha det så roligt!

Reply to  Anna-Karin
11 years ago

Tack Anna-Karin! Då har jag koll igen. 🙂

11 years ago

Mycket tänkvärda ord – tack!
Hoppas du får en fantastisk fredag! 🙂

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